Tuina massage originated in ancient China and is believed to be the oldest system of bodywork. “Tui” is to push, and “Na” is to lift and squeeze. It’s based on the theory that any imbalances of qi (energy), can cause blockages that lead to pain and illness. This type of massage stimulates the flow of qi to promote balance and harmony within the body using many of the same principles of acupuncture. It’s similar to acupuncture in the way it targets specific acupoints, but practitioners use fingers instead of needles to apply pressure to stimulate these points.
Tuina massage targets numerous acupressure points to improve the health of various organs and is based on the theory that specific points are directly linked to certain organs. This ancient massage addresses anatomical abnormalities of both inner and outer surfaces by altering the energy level of the biological system and adjusting the bio-information of the body. Tuina helps to treat many disorders from soft tissue injuries to many other kinds of ailments such as:
Tuina is translated as pushing and grasping, it is sometimes done over the clothes and is performed based on the theories of TCM with the principle that the practitioner is either taking away or adding energy. Tuina breaks down scar tissue to relax muscles and tendons and creates the road for the blood and Qi to circulate in a proper way by removing blood stasis and speed up the healing process. At times, tuina massage may be done using oil with hand to skin contact which creates a very relaxing feeling. Muscles are targeted to relieve pain, discomforts and for relaxation.
1550 Kingston Road (highway 2) unit 207
Pickering, Ontario L1V1C3